Fianchetto School Chess Cup 2023

May 13 2024

Fianchetto Cup 2024 - online youth tournament

Fianchetto School invites students to take part in the main tournament of the year. School Cup will take place on May 26, 2024 on LICHESS.ORG. Participation in the tournament is free.


The tournament will take place on Sunday May 26 2024 on LICHESS.ORG. It will start at 12:00 p.m. (GMT+3). Chess players from 4 to 16 years old are allowed to participate. Participation is free.

The tournament will be held according to the Swiss system with 7 rounds. The expected duration of the tournament is two hours. Time control - 7+2 (7 minutes for a game with 2 extra seconds for each move).

The winners are determined by the highest number of points. The winners will be awarded with real trophies, and the first place winner will receive Gold Chess Cup and the title of Fianchetto Champion!

To participate in the tournament you need to complete the following steps:

1. Open LICHESS.ORG and Sign up. It's easy, fast and free! If you already have an account, skip this step.

2. Then follow the link and join the team of our school. Only participants who have joined the team will be able to take part in the tournaments.

3. Choose the required tournament SCHOOL CUP 2024. Click JOIN. After that, you will see yourself in the list of participants.

Please, ask your coach for a passoword to enter the tournament.

4. Send your Name, Birth Date and Lichess Nickname to your coach, on or school administration, so we could know what nickname you are using and in what age category you will compete.


Dear parents! There will be Live Broadcast of the tournament on Youtube with comments of games and the most exciting moments of the tournament. Watch us Live!

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Chess Quotes

“Chess is a war over the board. The object is to crush the opponent’s mind.” - Bobby Fischer

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